Friday, October 3, 2008

Well, she didn’t tank so it’s a success?

I’m not sure how people define success or maverick or feminist, for that matter, but I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t describe Palin’s debate performance as a success (I don’t think she’s a maverick or feminist, either). Yes, she didn’t freeze up so I guess that’s a step in the right direction but do people really think she is even remotely prepared to be Vice President? I’m still flummoxed by the continued support for McCain amongst some of my friends and family even in light of the blatantly obvious and downright scary weaknesses with that ticket.

I think I could be Vice President. I’d like an opportunity to evade questions and talk turkey with America’s common folk. I also think that I am very likeable when I wink so that should get me pretty far. I’m thinking a line of questioning could go something like this…

Moderator: “What do you think about the current economic crisis and how can we fix this?

Me: “Well, do you mind if I just go back to that question regarding foreign policy for a minute? There wasn’t enough time on that and it’s very important. You see I have a lot of experience with China. Did you know that we share a maritime border with China? There’s just an ocean between us…and I can see China from my apartment…I mean, if I go to my computer I can view maps and images and keep an eye on the Chinese. I know what they’re up to and, you know, I like to talk about that amongst other things when I’m spending time with other middle class families watching my kids’ games. We middle class folks need to look out for each other and take care of this great country of ours. God bless America! (wink)”


Jennifer said...

But wait... You forgot to add you have a father-in-law who lives in China, so that ups your knowledge base scads. But can't call him your FIL because technically (by that, I mean legally) we are not married. (Because the world would EXPLODE if that happened.) (I'm tired of parenthetical narrations).

Anonymous said...

i have family and friends still voting mccain and i have similar conversations with them. i just don't get it and these are very smart successful people. it's kind of like the friends who were supporting obama over hillary, i kept questioning myself and wondering what i was missing. how could so many smart, successful people see things so totally differently? it's all just crazy!! i cannot wait until the damn election is over, i'm ready to start talking about something else...